What are some signs you do not have BPD?

a) Marginal Behavioral condition (BPD) is a complex psychological wellness condition described by a scope of side effects including profound flimsiness, serious relational connections, incautious ways of behaving, and a misshaped mental self portrait. 

b)  On the off chance that you suspect you could have BPD, it's essential to talk with an emotional well-being proficient for a legitimate determination. Nonetheless, there are a few signs and qualities that could recommend you don't have BPD. The following are a couple:

1. **Stable Relationships**: If your associations with family, companions, and accomplices are by and large steady and you don't encounter extreme, turbulent, or wild relational connections, it could show you don't have BPD.

2. **Consistent Self-Image**: Individuals with BPD frequently have a contorted or shaky mental self view. On the off chance that you have a steady and by and large sure self-awareness and character, this is a sign you probably won't have BPD.

3. **Emotional Regulation**: Assuming you can direct your feelings actually and don't encounter regular and serious close to home swings, this proposes that you might not have BPD.

4. **Impulsivity**: BPD is frequently connected with rash ways of behaving that can be self-harming, for example, wild spending, substance misuse, or self-hurt. In the event that you don't take part in these kinds of imprudent ways of behaving, it could show that you don't have BPD.

5. **Fear of Abandonment**: A sign of BPD is an extreme separation anxiety, whether genuine or saw. On the off chance that you don't have a staggering apprehension about being deserted by those near you, it might recommend you don't have BPD.


6. **Handling Analysis and Rejection**: On the off chance that you can deal with analysis and dismissal without outrageous close to home responses or feeling crushed, this is a sign you probably won't have BPD.

7. **Chronic Sensations of Emptiness**: Relentless sensations of vacancy are normal in BPD. On the off chance that you don't encounter a constant feeling of vacancy, it could show that you don't have BPD.

8. **Self-Mischief or Self-destructive Behavior**: While not every person with BPD participates in self-hurt or self-destructive way of behaving, these are critical markers. On the off chance that you don't have a past filled with self-hurt or self-destructive considerations and ways of behaving, it could recommend you don't have BPD.

9. **Paranoia or Dissociation**: During times of pressure, people with BPD could encounter transient suspicion or separation. In the event that you don't encounter these side effects, it might show you don't have BPD.

10. **General Functioning**: On the off chance that you can keep a somewhat steady work, scholastic execution, and everyday working without critical disturbances, it is a positive sign you probably won't have BPD.


It's essential to take note of that psychological wellness conditions can complex and cross-over. A large number of these signs are not restrictive to BPD and can be found in different circumstances or even in people with practically no psychological well-being problems. Hence, a complete evaluation by an emotional well-being proficient is significant for a precise determination and suitable treatment plan.
