What are possible reasons for people to write bad reviews for companies with high ratings?

There can be a few justifications for why individuals could compose terrible surveys for exceptionally evaluated organizations:

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1. **Personal Experience**: In spite of an organization's general positive standing, an individual could have had a pessimistic encounter because of different factors, for example, unfortunate client support, item quality issues, or conveyance issues.

2. **Misalignment of Expectations**: Some of the time, clients could have ridiculous assumptions in view of the great evaluations of an organization. At the point when their genuine encounter doesn't measure up to these expanded assumptions, they could leave a negative survey.

3. **Subjectivity**: What one individual considers a "great" experience may not be no different for another person. Factors like individual inclinations, social contrasts, or individual predispositions can impact how a client sees their involvement in an organization.

4. **Competitor or Malignant Intent**: at times, contenders or people with malevolent expectation could pass on counterfeit pessimistic surveys to subvert the standing of a profoundly evaluated organization.


5. **Unresolved Issues**: Clients could definitely disapprove of the organization however didn't get a palatable goal. This can lead them to communicate their disappointment through a negative survey.

6. **Changes in Quality or Service**: Profoundly appraised organizations might go through changes in administration, arrangements, or item/administration quality over the long haul. In the event that these progressions bring about a decrease in consumer loyalty, it can prompt negative surveys from recently fulfilled clients.

7. **Sampling Bias**: Profoundly evaluated organizations might have an enormous client base, and it's inescapable that a few clients will have negative encounters. In any case, if by some stroke of good luck a little level of clients leave negative surveys, it could not essentially influence the general rating.

8. **Cultural or Language Barriers**: now and again, language boundaries or social contrasts can prompt errors or miscommunication, bringing about bad audits despite the fact that the organization offered palatable assistance.

It's fundamental to consider these elements when deciphering on the web surveys and not depend entirely on the general rating of an organization. Perusing numerous surveys and searching for normal subjects can give a more precise image of an organization's standing.
