What foods cause high blood pressure and/or what foods help lower high blood pressure?

 Hypertension, or hypertension, is a condition that can be impacted by different elements, including diet. While individual reactions to explicit food varieties might shift, there are a few basic principles on food sources that might add to or assist lower with high blooding pressure.

A. Food varieties that might add to hypertension: 


1. **Sodium (Salt):** High admission of sodium is connected to raised pulse. Handled food sources, canned soups, pungent tidbits, and eatery/inexpensive food are normal wellsprings of exorbitant sodium.

2. **Processed and Quick Foods:** These frequently contain elevated degrees of unfortunate fats, sodium, and different added substances that can add to hypertension.

3. **Red Meat:** Maximum usage of red meat, especially handled and greasy cuts, might be related with expanded pulse.

4. **Sugary Food sources and Drinks:** Unreasonable admission of sugars, particularly as sweet beverages and handled food sources, may add to weight gain and expanded circulatory strain.

5. **Alcohol:** Polishing off liquor in overabundance can raise pulse. Moderate liquor utilization is by and large characterized as dependent upon one beverage each day for ladies and up to two beverages each day for men.

B. Food varieties that might end up being useful to bring down hypertension:

1. **Fruits and Vegetables:** Wealthy in potassium, which helps balance sodium levels and manage pulse. Hold back nothing of beautiful leafy foods.

2. **Whole Grains:** Food sources like earthy colored rice, quinoa, and entire wheat are high in fiber, which might add to bring down circulatory strain.

3. **Lean Proteins:** Pick lean protein sources, like poultry, fish, vegetables, and tofu, rather than high-fat red meats.

4. **Low-Fat Dairy:** Dairy items that are low in fat, like skim milk and yogurt, can be important for a heart-solid eating regimen.

5. **Nuts and Seeds:** Wealthy in potassium, magnesium, and solid fats, nuts and seeds might add to bring down pulse.

6. **Fish:** Greasy fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are high in omega-3 unsaturated fats, which might assist with bringing down pulse.

7. **Garlic:** A few investigations propose that garlic might have an unobtrusive circulatory strain bringing down impact.

     It's fundamental for note that dietary changes ought to be essential for a generally speaking sound way of life, including customary actual work, weight the executives, and stress decrease. On the off chance that you have worries about your circulatory strain or generally speaking wellbeing, it's essential to talk with a medical care proficient for customized counsel.
